Sicut Cervus
Sicut Cervus is owned by Jamie Spiering. 'I have loved creating art as long as I can remember.' Jamie says on his Facebook page They offer 'Clay figures, handcrafted saint statues, nativities, Jesse tree ornaments, animals, and pencil portraits--artwork draw from a thirst for God.'
On his website,, Jamie also states... 'We have so much going on here, it is hard to find the time to write and let you know about the things we have available. What a wonderful blessing it is to have new life and all the colors and wonders of spring has Easter approaches.
We are excited to take part in the inaugural year of DL Market. Dynamic Life Christian Church is hosting a farmers market in their parking lot the first and third Saturdays of each month beginning in April and going through November. We are so busy with school and farm work that we will not be there April 2nd, but we are excited to participate at least once a month through the summer and hopefully into the fall. There will be many local vendors there and I highly encourage you to visit and support local artisans.'
Jamie has selected the following dates to join us at the Market. Plan to visit his booth on Sat. May 28th*, Sat. June 18th, Sat. July 2nd, Sat. Aug. 20th, Sat. Sept. 17th, Sat. Oct. 1st, Sat. Oct. 15th, and Sat. Nov. 19th.